Documentation: Guidelines


To make the fight most entertaining for both participants both should put some effort into writing posts.

Try NOT to just go through moves. Write a post, what actions you take, for each move.

We're trying to build some community around UFL, and we're all interested in holding some quality bar here. So at least ask your partner about his\her RP length preferences, and try to match it, or flee.

Please, read RP Recommendations section for more details on how to approach writing with UFL if you're unsure.

Stat points and power

System if designed to allow any number of stat points. Amount does not matter, just difference between stat points of two character. And on the main page you can always see current average stat point value.

So, basically, check the main page of this website for the "Average power" value. This is your basic human. If you want to be dom make a character with more stat points. If you want to be sub, make a character with less stat points.

If you need a baseline, here it is:

DEFAULT - 15 points total.

DOMINANT CHARACTERS - 20-30 points total.

SUBMISSIVE CHARACTERS - 10 points total.

Fighter cards

  1. Use large enough image in "ref_image" attribute of your character. This is the image that is used in the card. Recommended width is at least 550px wide.
  2. If your image is too large it will be scaled to fit. But if it is too small - it will not
  3. Make sure to use direct link to an image. If you want to link a gallery, you can do it inside !set additional_info parameter.
  4. Make a pertty additional_info for your character. It will support BBCode formatting later.

Working with !set ref_image and !set theme_music

I see a lot of confusion about how to set images in your profile. Here's an example of a profil with a few images:

The quickest way to set an image is to use this command:

!set ref_image link_to_your_image

You can add multiple images. To do that your ref_image attribute should have multiple links separated by semicolon ; .


You can either just copy and paste multiple links in !set ref_image command. Like this:

!set ref_image link1;link2;link3

Or you can use a convenience function:

!set add_ref_image link

add_ref_image will append one more image to the list of your images, taking care of adding semicolon to it.

Hope this makes sense.

How to get a link to an image

Work links to work properly they have to be direct links to images. The easiest way to get it is to RIGHT click whichever image you want to use, and select Copy Image Url (in Chrome, should be in other browsers, might be named slightly differently)

Ideally it should contain image extension in it's url, like jpg, png, gif or something. But not all direct links to images have that, so in the end just try with trial and error.

Speaking about imgur, direct images there ALWAYS have a .jpg in the end. Or .gif, or .png. Watch for this, and try not to link to the gallery or 'post'.